What is Heart Rate Variability?

What is Heart Rate Variability?

3 minute read · 12/28/2024 02:50:37

What is HRV?

HRV is a measure of the time between heartbeats, which is controlled by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). HRV is a key indicator of how well your body can adapt to stress and recover from physical activity. 

How is HRV used to calculate physiological age?

A normalized HRV score is calculated by dividing RMSSD by the square root of the average heartbeat interval. This score is then used to estimate a person's physiological age. 

What does HRV indicate?

A higher HRV score indicates a younger biological age and better cardiovascular health, while a lower HRV score suggests a higher biological age and potentially greater health risks. 

What is the Nerve Express Test?

The Nerve Express Test consists of measuring heart rate variability to assess your assesses your autonomic nervous system, physical fitness, and nervous system health. We also calculate your body's physiological age versus your actual age. 

How Does The Nerve Express Test Work?

During the Nerve Express Test, your heart rate is monitored via a strap around your chest, hooked up to the Nerve Express computer. Your heart rate is measured while your body is at rest (lying down) and in motion (standing up) to correlate variations in heart rate to your autonomic nervous system activity.

Benefits of the Nerve Express Test

  1. Non-invasive
  2. No needles, scratches or shocks are utilized during the Nerve Express testing process.
  3. Easy and painless
  4. The Nerve Express test is suitable for patients of all ages.
  5. Additional health insights
  6. Nerve Express testing can provide additional insights into your health, including an assessment of the autonomic nervous 

Why Do We Utilize the Nerve Express Test?

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is one of your body’s internal regulation systems. When your ANS is healthy, you can respond appropriately to stress, initiating the sympathetic nervous system response (fight-flight-or-freeze) when needed. A healthy system returns back to the parasympathetic response (rest-and-digest) once the stress has passed.

However, many issues arise when our body is triggered into the sympathetic stress response too often. The reaction is exaggerated or the sympathetic response continues to fire, even once the stress has passed. The Nerve Express Test provides us with information regarding your ANS, and how it functions lying down (at rest), and following a mild stressor (standing up).

There are two ways to schedule an HRV test. 

  1. You can schedule an HRV test alone and receive your results.
  2. You can book an Initial Consultation for a Nutrition Response Testing appointment with one of our practitioners. You receive a free HRV assessment and results during your appointment plus an entire assessment of your organs and stressors that are causing barriers to your health and creating symptoms.