Why is Consistency with Facials So Important?

Consistency with facials and skincare will aid in the long-term health of your skin, while also helping to create habits to maintain a continuous healthy glow.

What Does a Facial Entail?

A facial is not just someone else washing your face, it is a noninvasive skin treatment that includes cleansing, moisturizing, exfoliating and other elements. At SolRae Wellness, we conduct a 30 minute skin analysis to customize a results-oriented treatment plan to meet your skincare goals.

There are numerous benefits to receiving a facial at SolRae. Getting regular facials can help to shrink your pores, lessen your skins oil production, and even reduce hyperpigmentation (also known as dark spots). Another huge benefit of receiving a facial is that it will help to balance the skins ph level. Healthy skin is surprisingly more acidic on the ph scale. This is because an acidic environment can help to destroy harmful microbes and damaging radicals that speed up the aging process.

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Pre-Facial Photo

The massage techniques used in facials help to increase blood flow and circulation. This helps to kill bacteria and promote cell regrowth, which aids in the production of collagen. You shed millions of dead skin cells daily, and it is necessary to remove these cells through physical or chemical exfoliation. A facial provides constant exfoliation both physically and chemically to aid in removing these dead skin cells. A skin peel is a service offered during a facial that helps to remove the dead skin cells, bringing forward new skin. At SolRae Wellness, a pumpkin enzyme peel is offered in our Pumpkin Spice Renewal Fall Facial. Pumpkin contains enzymes that work as natural exfoliants, while also providing nourishment for a healthy glow.

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Organic Pumpkin Enzyme Peel

Why is Consistency Important?

Facials at SolRae Wellness are meant to help address skin concerns, promote overall health, and to help you to relax. A general rule of thumb when deciding how often to get a facial, is every 5-6 weeks because it aligns with the natural lifecycle of your skin (about 30 days). Another good practice when figuring out how often to get a facial, is addressing the concerns you have with your skin. Skin concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles can be manageable if you have a consistent skin care routine. Even if you are someone who is diligent with your skincare, you still need a deeper cleaning that just washing can’t reach.

Sometimes breakouts after a facial occur, and this is due to the skin “purging.” This is when all the dirt, debris and bacteria being housed under the surface, is brought forward. Purging is especially common after the first facial, and can improve with consistency. Our skin is a delicate ecosystem, and when we are changing products, providers, and habits frequently, it causes upset to that ecosystem.

Many different changes can occur to the skin through life, and when you are consistent you are able to target these changes and adjust your routine accordingly. After receiving consistent facials with SolRae Wellness you will be able to track how your skin progresses and adjusts to the customized treatment. Once your skin is in the place you want it, with the results you are looking for, it will be easy for us to come up with a new schedule of maintaining your skin.

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Post-Facial Photo

Regular facials reveal refreshed skin, promote cell turnover, boost collagen and elastin production, and maintain a healthy skin barrier—well-hydrated skin is more resilient and less prone to premature aging. As you age, the barrier or your skin becomes more fragile due to the decreased production of collagen. Start your CONSISTENT skincare journey at SolRae by scheduling your Pumpkin Spice Renewal Fall Facial! This luxurious treatment features a deep double cleanse, My Skin Buddy regimen, microdermabrasion, and a rejuvenating organic pumpkin or apple enzyme peel. Some special comforts include a soothing apple cider scalp treatment, a warm steam session infused with fall-scented essential oils session coupled with a facial massage, all finished with Sunshine Botanical products for a glowing, fall-ready complexion.

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Unlock Healthier, Glowing Skin

Join us for a seasonal escape that combines soothing treatments with the nourishing benefits of pumpkin.