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What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy used for thousands of years. It is the most well-known eastern therapy in the United States. Acupuncture involves the insertion of pre-sterilized disposable stainless steel needles into the skin at specific locations to promote balance and stimulate the body’s innate healing abilities. In TCM, the cause of dis-ease is thought of as an imbalance of energy (Qi). When the Qi or electrical current is impaired illness and pain ensue.


From the Western perspective of medicine, acupuncture targets the nervous system by stimulating nerves and muscles to help relieve pain. Acupuncture strengthens the body’s immune system, reduces inflammation, and releases chemicals such as endorphins to relieve pain.


Acupuncture treats each patient as an individual with unique needs. During an initial session a base treatment is established based on medical history, symptoms, and Chinese diagnostics such as looking at the tongue and checking three pulse positions along the inner wrists. This base treatment is slightly adjusted at each treatment as the energy shifts within the body during the healing process. The treatment process is like peeling away layers of an onion revealing new layers of energetic disharmonies as sessions progress reaching the root cause of the imbalance.


Acupuncture needles are as thin as a strand of hair. The needles are solid in nature and not hollow like a blood draw needle. The coated smooth surface of the needles are generally painless during the insertion process. Some areas with thinner skin, less fat, or less muscle such as the feet and scalp may be naturally more sensitive for some. Each patient has individual needs and experiences giving each their own unique sensations throughout the needling and treatment process. Needles are typically retained for 20-30 minutes where a deeper state of relaxation occurs promoting a trance-like state of rest and healing. Depending on the state of the individual and the conditions they present with, a typical acupuncture treatment series can range anywhere from 6-24 weekly or biweekly sessions.


Some areas acupuncture may provide benefit with include:

  1. Digestive issues
  2. Sleep
  3. Pain
  4. Psychological and emotional concerns
  5. Headaches 
  6. Migraines
  7. Menstrual or fertility issues
  8. Addiction
  9. Fatigue
  10. Workout and injury recovery
  11. Weight loss

Other modalities that are a part of TCM and may be used during a treatment session include:

Fire Cupping

A therapeutic release technique that utilizes glass cups to create suction over skin and muscle tissue to improve blood flow, drain stagnant lymph fluid, and promote detoxification.

Gua Sha

A therapeutic release technique that utilizes a smooth edged tool made of ceramic or stone to release Qi and blood stagnation. Pressure is applied and friction is created to move blockages underneath the skin.

TENS unit (electrical stimulation)

A small device used to deliver an electrical current through an acupuncture needle. This method disrupts pain patterns and helps the body release natural pain killers (endorphins) to relieve discomfort.


Herbal Medicine

TCM assessment and diagnosis is used for the recommendation of herbal formulas. The medicinal benefits of plants further enhance acupuncture treatments and provide deeper relief of symptoms.

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine Facial Rejuvenation?

Cosmetic acupuncture, also known as facial acupuncture, is a facial rejuvenation speciality within the acupuncture field. It is a safe, non-toxic, and natural alternative to botox and fillers that requires no downtime. 

It involves the insertion of many very small pre-sterilized disposable stainless steel needles into the face, neck, and, chest. This method helps promote collagen and elastin production to decrease the signs of aging and enhance the complexion. It helps promote circulation to the face stimulating oxygen and nutrients creating a radiant glow and reducing the appearance of fine lines and deeper wrinkles. Along with the local treatment performed on the face, the body is also needled as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) always addresses root causes to any presented condition. A facial acupuncture treatment addresses the entire body constitutionally and is not merely “cosmetic.” 

The face is a map of the energies, traumas, and emotions we experience through life which are then stored in the body. When these energies are not processed properly at the time of a stressor, the stored energy will eventually display itself in the face as a line, wrinkle, blemish, or asymmetry. The complexion is known as a microsystem where each area represents a time in your life, organ, or body part. 

Cosmetic acupuncture sessions are performed weekly or biweekly for 10-12 weeks. Consistency and regularity is important with this technique. Quarterly maintenance sessions may be scheduled once the initial 10-12 sessions are completed. 

Modalities used in the treatment session may include: 

Facial Acupuncture

An ancient Chinese technique utilizing small, fine pre-sterilized stainless steel needles inserted at specific points in the face, neck, and/or chest.. This includes needles inserted into wrinkles, around the eyes, within the hairline, and the body. 

Facial Cupping

Utilizes specially designed cups made of glass containing a manual pump system to create suction. The cups are placed and gently glided over lubricated skin while suction is being engaged and released.

Facial Gua Sha

Involves repeated gentle feather-like strokes over lubricated skin with a smooth edged tool made of jade or rose quartz gemstones.

Facial Reflexology

Utilizes a weighted pen-like stainless steel tool known as a detector to assist in applying light pressure to specific points that target organs and other body parts.

Additional services offered:

Microneedling & Nano-needling

The use of a pen-like device which quickly inserts multiple very fine pre-sterilized needles into the skin for the purpose of rejuvenating the skin.

LED Light Therapy

Involves the use of a flexible light panel device that is molded towards the shape of the head. The device runs during the 30 minute duration after needle insertion or for 30 minutes after a facial treatment when no needles are used. Red and near infrared light is used to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles and blue light is used in severe cases of acne.