Our warm and inviting space is the perfect setting for parties, events, corporate wellness programs, or group gatherings. Whether you’re hosting a celebration, planning a team retreat, or organizing a wellness workshop, our facility provides a unique and serene environment to bring your vision to life. Let us help you craft a meaningful and memorable experience for your family, friends, or team!
Contact Our Events Facilitator with the following details and we will do our best to respond within 24hrs.
Event Inquiry Questionnaire
Please Copy & Paste the following with your answers to
HolisticHealthHiveNh@gmail.com - Subject: Events/Parties
Thank you for considering the Holistic Health Hive for your upcoming event! Please fill out the following questionnaire to help us better understand your needs and vision for the occasion.
Contact Information:
1. Name:
2. Phone Number:
3. Email Address:
Event Details:
4. What type of event are you planning?
(e.g., birthday party, corporate wellness event, workshop, retreat, etc.)
5. Preferred Date(s) and Time(s):
6. Expected Number of Guests:
7. What is the age range of the participants (if applicable)?
8. Do you have a specific theme or focus for your event?
Services and Amenities:
9. Would you like us to facilitate any portion of the event?
(e.g., workshops, wellness activities, guided meditation, etc.)
☐ Yes, please specify:
☐ No, we will manage the event ourselves.
10. Would you like to include any of the following services?
☐ Massage Therapy
☐ Reiki or Energy Healing
☐ Hypnosis or Meditation Sessions
☐ Salt Cave Session
☐ Foot Soaks or Detox Treatments
☐ Nutrition or Wellness Consulting
☐ Other:
11. Will you require catering or refreshments?
☐ Yes, we’d like assistance arranging this.
☐ No, we’ll bring our own.
12. Do you need access to any specific facilities or equipment?
☐ Tables/Chairs
☐ AV Equipment (e.g., projector, speakers)
☐ Kitchen Area
☐ Other:
Additional Information:
13. What is your budget for this event?
14. Is there any additional information or special requests you’d like us to know?
15. How did you hear about the Holistic Health Hive?
Once we review your submission, we’ll contact you to discuss the details and help plan your event. Thank you for choosing the Holistic Health Hive—we look forward to hosting you!