Laser Body Brightening Treatments!

Treat Age & Sun Spots, Freckles, Hyperpigmentation & More!

Book a FREE Nurse Consultation

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"LOOK YOUNGER" . . . Take Years Off Areas Of Your Body That Have Suffered From Sun & Age Induced Damage! Feel Great As You Watch Our Painless Laser Remove Unwanted Pigment From Almost Any-wear Leaving Your Skin Looking & Feeling Young & Beautiful!

Treat Age Related Spots, Sun Damage and even Freckles Almost Anywhere On Your Body Including . . .

  1. Hands
  2. Shoulders
  3. Back
  4. Arms
  5. Thighs
  6. Legs
  7. & Even Your Feet!

"Feel Confident This Summer Flaunting Your Beautiful Radiant Skin! No More Hiding Under Layers Of Clothing!"

Our New Best In Class "Gentle Max Pro PLUS"(2023) Laser "WORKS LIKE MAGIC!" This is a Quick & Painless Laser treatment for Sun spots and Age Spots! With over 20 years of proven results "Candella Lasers" are the Best of the best know for their CRYOGEN COOLING technology and CONVENIENCE due to its Gentle but powerful treatments minimizing the number of treatments need!

DO YOU HAVE SUN DAMAGE & OR HYPERPIGMENTATION? THEN WHY NOT TREAT IT ALL? - Overtime & as we age the years of sun exposure eventually really start to show, especially in areas like our Face, Neck & Décolleté. Hyperpigmentation from the sun can be difficult to treat & not everyone as the time for a series of Chemical Peels or may not want to go threw the peeling process. Although chemical peels are extremely beneficial, they are not for everyone!





Are you tired of covering up areas of your body that you’re just not comfortable showing off due to sun damage? Imagine strutting down the beach or poolside with confidence! With the Candella Gentle Max Pro + Laser, we’ll help you achieve that vibrant summer glow that you’ve been dreaming about.

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Consultations - At Simply Me Skin Care & Med Spa, our experienced team of Nurses are here to provide you with safe, effective treatments that will help you look and feel your best! Schedule an appointment today for a personalized consultation to discuss the benefits of Laser Spot Treatments for treating...

Age Spots

Sun Spots

Cherry Angiomas


Broken Capillaries (Spider Veins)