Skin from Mars

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I book?

The safest bet, is a Customized Facial. Upgrades can be made at your appointment

Are facials safe during pregnancy?

YES! Even for the most sensitive skin, I have options for everyone.

How often should I get facials

It's recommended for every 3-4 weeks when working on specific needs

why is there a deposit?

Your deposit shows that you are committed to your skin and appointment. It goes towards your total at the end of your appointment!

More information

Always arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment

No extra guests are permitted

We will have an in depth consultation before and during your facial

Please be prepared to go over your health history, current skin care routine, medications, past facial treatments, etc

More (serious) information

3-5 Days prior to your appointment

  • Don't exfoliate
  • Don't use acne stickers or spot treatments
  • Try not to pick any blemishes
  • Please pause using any Retinol, Retinal, Retinoids, Tretinoin, or any RX Topicals 
  • No hair removal on the we will be working on

         -even for men/masc

2 Weeks prior to your appointment

  • NO injections, Botox, lip fillers, needle aesthetics 2 weeks before your appointment

Reschedule if in the last 2 weeks

  • If you or someone in your household is sick or just getting over being sick
  • If you've experienced a cold sore or a stye