1. What is IV hydration therapy?

   IV hydration therapy involves administering fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and sometimes medications directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous line. It's intended to quickly rehydrate the body and replenish nutrients more effectively than oral intake.

2. What are the benefits of IV hydration?

   Benefits include rapid hydration, direct nutrient absorption, potential immune system support, detoxification, and improved overall wellness. It's also used for recovery from hangovers, intense athletic activities, and mild dehydration.

3. Who can benefit from IV hydration therapy?

 Athletes, individuals recovering from illness or hangovers, those with dehydration due to various causes, and people seeking a quick wellness boost can benefit.

4. What does IV hydration therapy involve?

   The procedure involves inserting a small IV line into a vein, usually in the arm, through which fluids are administered. It typically takes 30-60 minutes.

5. What substances are in the IV hydration solution?

   Common ingredients include saline solution, electrolytes (like potassium and sodium), vitamins (like B-complex and vitamin C), and sometimes amino acids or antioxidants.

6. Is IV hydration therapy safe?

   Generally, it's safe when administered by qualified professionals. Risks include infection at the injection site, vein inflammation, and in rare cases, fluid overload.

7. How often can I receive IV hydration therapy?

    Frequency depends on individual needs. Some may benefit from weekly sessions, while others might only need occasional treatment.

8. What are the contraindications for IV hydration therapy?

   Contraindications include heart failure, kidney disease, certain electrolyte imbalances, and allergies to components in the IV solution.

9. Can IV hydration therapy help with hangovers/athletic recovery/illness recovery?

   Yes, it can help alleviate hangover symptoms, support athletic recovery by replenishing lost nutrients and fluids, and aid in illness recovery by boosting hydration and nutrient levels.

10. How quickly will I feel the effects of IV hydration?

    Effects can often be felt during or shortly after the treatment, with full benefits usually realized within several hours.

11. Do I need a doctor’s referral for IV hydration therapy?

    It depends on the provider and local regulations. Some clinics require or recommend a doctor’s referral, while others do not.

12. How much does IV hydration therapy cost?

    Costs vary widely, typically ranging from $100 to $300 per session, depending on the ingredients and location.

13. Is IV hydration therapy covered by insurance?

    Most insurance plans do not cover IV hydration therapy for wellness purposes. Coverage may be available for certain medical conditions.

14. Are there any side effects or risks associated with IV hydration therapy?

    Side effects can include discomfort at the injection site, bruising, and in rare cases, allergic reactions. Proper screening and professional administration minimize risks.

15. How do I prepare for an IV hydration session?

    Stay hydrated, eat a light meal beforehand, and wear comfortable clothing. Inform your provider of any medical conditions and medications.

16. How is IV hydration therapy different from drinking water or sports drinks?

    IV therapy bypasses the digestive system, allowing for immediate and more efficient absorption of fluids and nutrients directly into the bloodstream.

17. What is NAD+ IV infusion, and what are its benefits?

    NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) IV infusion involves delivering this coenzyme directly into the bloodstream. NAD+ is essential for cellular metabolism, energy production, and supporting cellular repair. Benefits may include improved mental clarity, energy levels, and potential anti-aging effects. It's also being researched for its role in addiction treatment and neurodegenerative diseases.