
At our facility, we offer 2 beautifully designed rooms dedicated to hosting an array of classes, workshops, and trainings. This serene space is the heart of the Holistic Health Hive’s collaborative and educational offerings, providing a nurturing environment for personal growth, learning, and wellness.

The Hive’s providers bring unique gifts and talents, offering many classes that cover everything from yoga and meditation to specialized wellness practices. These offerings are ever evolving to meet the diverse interests and needs of our community.

We also welcome talented individuals experienced in health and wellness fields who are interested in sharing their expertise. If you have a passion for teaching and a background in holistic health, we’d love to hear from you.  

Please note the following if interested in teaching a class or workshop at the Hive!

  1. We are happy to list your offering on this page with a description of the class or workshop.
  2. Your class will be included in our email flyer, which is also connected to our Facebook and Instagram.
  3. You will be required share all info. regarding your class (description, flyer, headshot or photo you would like attached) at least 2 weeks prior to the month you would like to host the class. ie: if your class is March 20th, info. is required by Feb.14th.
  4. You are welcome to tag us in any social media posts promoting your class.
  5. You are responsible for marketing your own class or workshop.
  6. You must provide any necessary supplies for your class, as well as marketing    materials you’d like us to display at the Hive. (we do have 2 tables, approx. 15 chairs, meditation pillows, bolsters and blankets you are welcome to use).
  7. To maintain the uniqueness of offerings at the Hive, we ask that the same class not be offered within a 30-mile radius during the same month it is hosted here.

Next Steps:

Please [click here] to download the required questionnaire. Copy, complete, and send it back with your answers - 

Subject: classes/workshops and your name


Your request will be reviewed as soon as possible, and someone will get back to you with pricing options for space rental.

We look forward to collaborating with you!

To explore our current offerings, view our schedule below and register for classes.