Youth Tennis Programs

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USTA Junior Team Tennis (JTT)

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wraps up with a fun tournament and awards ceremony on Friday, celebrating each player’s progress and achievements.

Tuesday-Friday May 25-31 2:30-5:30

Cost: $180 Members $210 Non-Members


offer Junior Development lessons and Junior Tennis Team (JTT) at The Club at Foxridge.

We believe that introducing your child to tennis is an exciting journey. Our Junior Development Tennis Lessons and Junior Tennis Team provide the perfect starting point for new players or a chance to enhance existing skills. Here’s what you can expect:

High Energy and Fun-Filled Sessions:

  1. Our lessons are dynamic, engaging, and filled with enthusiasm.
  2. Kids not only learn but also enjoy every moment on the court.

Mastering the Fundamentals:

  1. Participants grasp essential tennis fundamentals, including grips, preparation, swing path, and ball placement.
  2. Whether they’re beginners or looking to level up, our program caters to all.

Tailored Equipment and Courts:

  1. We customize equipment and court sizes based on skill levels.
  2. Kids witness their progress and have a blast right from day one.

Learn-Through-Play Philosophy:

  1. Our experienced tennis professionals follow a learn-through-play philosophy.
  2. We focus not only on tennis skills but also on building athleticism and character.

Colorado USTA Guidelines:

  1. We align with national standards for junior tennis.
  2. The ROGY system (Red, Orange, Green, Yellow) uses ball colors to correspond to different age groups and abilities.
  3. As your child grows in age and skill, the tennis balls evolve—increasing in bounce, weight, and size.

Racquet Sizes:

  1. We offer various racquet sizes to ensure comfort and proper technique.

Join us on the court, where your child will thrive, learn, and have a fantastic time!

What is JTT?

Junior Team Tennis, otherwise known as JTT, is a tennis league program that offers summer and fall sessions. These sessions feature age-group competition (10U, 12U, 14U, 18U) and each age group is further divided into skill levels (Beginner, Intermediate-Low, Intermediate-High, and Advanced).

JTT brings together boys and girls ages 8 to 18 to play singles, doubles and mixed doubles matches against other teams. JTT is a competitive level-based environment that promotes individual growth, social growth, team work and life skills.

Junior Team Tennis emphasizes fun, fitness, and friends! The focus is on enjoying the exhilaration of exercise, as well as refining the skills that make tennis fun for players of all ages and levels of competition! The Club at Foxridge is thrilled to provide the opportunity for kids to gather as a team, practice good sportsmanship, and learn valuable lessons that apply both on and off the court!

We offer Summer and Fall JTT leagues to allow more time for the players to enjoy the fun of competing on a tennis team with their friends.

All JTT players for Foxridge must have a USTA Membership number. These are free for anyone under 18 years old. Go to the website below to obtain a number.

Age groups
  1. The Colorado Junior Team Tennis program follows national guidelines with Orange Balls being used for 8-10 year olds, Green Balls for 11-12 year olds and Yellow Balls for 13-18 year olds.
  2. The age cutoff for JTT is August 3, 2025. For example, if your child turns 13 on or before August 3, 2025, they would play at the 14 and Under level.
Match Days and Times
Match Times
  • 10 & Under: 8:00am - 9:30am
  • 12 & Under: 9:30am - 11:00am
  • 14 & Under: 11:00am - 12:30pm
  • 18 & Under: 12:30pm - 2:00pm
JTT Format
  • The format is one singles and one doubles match per week. Junior Team Tennis allows for player to sub in on a set in either singles or doubles for 2024.
  • The minimum number of players needed to form a team is 4; however we want 6 players on each team to give some flexibility to families who may travel during the summer.
  • If your child's team finishes first in their region then they will qualify for the State Championship Tournament. 
  • The 2024 State Championship will be held Friday, August 2nd-Saturday, August 3rd.
Levels of Play
  • There are several levels of play within each age group for JTT. Below you will find a chart to help identify which level to sign your child up for.
  • Finally, there are also several different levels of play. 
  • ​The chart below will help you identify which level to sign your child up for.
JTT Season Dates and Important Information

2025 JTT practices are set to begin on Tues, June 3rd with the first match taking place on Monday, June 9th.

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Beginner (BEG)

General Experience - Entering competition for the first time.

Game Strategy - Just learning to play and primarily working on getting the ball into play.

Movement & Footwork - Understands correct positioning when returning or serving. Lacks court recognition after point has started.

Ball Control & Placement - Consistent hitting soft paced loopy balls. Does not have intended placement or direction.

Strokes - Comfortable hitting forehands, backhands and serves.

Net Play - Can make contact with the ball when at the net.

Serve - Able to serve some balls into the correct box from the baseline.

Consistency - Inconsistent but can sometimes sustain a slow-paced rally with someone of the same ability.

Lower Intermediate (INT LO)

General Experience - Prior match experience including JTT & some entry-level or circuit challenger tournaments.

Game Strategy - Lacks shot anticipation on returns and therefore can only react.

Movement & Footwork - Lacks ability to anticipate and therefore has difficulty covering the court. Limited footwork.    

Ball Control & Placement - Consistent when hitting medium paced shots but lacks execution when trying for directional control, depth or power.

Strokes - Not comfortable with all strokes like volleys, lobs, overheads and approach shots.

Net Play - Can volley slower paced balls on both forehand and backhand side.

Serve - (5 out of 10 times). Limited double-faults.

Consistency - Fairly consistent hitting medium paced shots within reach. Difficulty ending points.

Higher Intermediate (INT HI)

General Experience - Extensive match experience and some success with challenger (Level 7) tournaments.

Game Strategy - Has an idea of what game strategy to use but lacks ability to fully execute game plan.

Movement & Footwork - Can cover the court well but may make errors because of timing and footwork.    

Ball Control & Placement - Improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots.

Strokes - Comfortable with all strokes. Player needs to improve control of height, depth, direction and speed.

Net Play - Can volley medium paced balls and return with directional intent.

Serve - Player is developing more spin and power on the first serve and seldom double-faults.

(7 out of 10 times)

Consistency - Consistent hitting medium paced shots but may error when opponent uses varying pace, depth and spins.

Advanced  (ADV)

General Experience – Playing Level 5, 6 and 7 tournaments with some success.

Game Strategy – Can attempt to vary game plan according to their opponents & can successfully execute strategy.

Movement & Footwork – Can easily make adjustments to footwork and swing to execute a return.

Ball Control & Placement – Dependable strokes including directional intent, depth, spin and pace.

Strokes – Can control depth of shots, pace and use various spins.

Net Play – Aggressive net play

Serve – Can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve with accuracy.

Consistency – Can consistently return a variety of spins and paces from various depths with control.