Foxridge offers adult lessons, drills, Learn To Play (LTP) practices, socials as well as USTA and CTA league opportunities.
Already on a Foxridge Team?
Pay your fees here:
Coming Soon
Interested in joining a Foxridge Team?
Foxridge has adult USTA and CTA League tennis teams. We have 3 brand new outdoor hard courts and we run leagues from March thru September. We have men's teams rated 3.0 and up, women's teams rated 2.5 and up, and mixed doubles teams. You can find the league calendar and match days and times posted at USTA Colorado.
We run daytime and evening league teams, along with leveled drills.
To play on a Foxridge team, you do not need to be a club member. However, members will get team priority and there will be additional fees for non-members.
If you are interested in joining one of our many league teams, contact us for more information at or fill out the interest form below.
Adult Tennis Interest Form
Contact Tennis Reps
Learn to Play Tennis
Are you interested in playing tennis, but aren't ready or can't join a league team yet? We have Learn to Play (LTP) lessons and socials at The Club. If you just want to hit around with someone else, we can put you in contact with other interested players too.
Send us an email at