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Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) gently activates your lymphatic pathways which are responsible for sluffing out old and unwanted debris from your tissues, reducing fluid retention body-wide, and supporting a sense (and appearance!) of vitality.

MLD with Elizabeth is a systematic, slow, and rhythmic process that activates and flushes out your Lymphatic System by following its many pathways of lymphatic vessels throughout the body and face. Regular sessions are either 90-minutes (covering the entire body) or 60-minutes (covering up to 2 regions of the body) or 45-minutes (for a Lymphatic & Sinus Facial.) Clients can also add on an extra 20-minutes for a Lymphatic & Sinus Facial at the time of booking to the 60- or 90-minute sessions.

What to expect:

MLD Sessions are typically quiet and relaxing. After coming into alignment about your goals, we get you settled on the massage table, undressed to your level of comfort. Rhythmic techniques with light pressure are applied to move lymph/fluid throughout the body.

The effects of MLD are many! The nearly 100-year-old practice stimulates fluid movement in connective tissue, soothing tired and sore muscles and joints, reducing swelling, supporting the nervous system (for pain relief and relaxation), and possibly assisting the immune system (though this has not yet been clinically proven).

When working efficiently, the Lymphatic System can impart that generally “healthy” feeling of vital energy. However, when congested, Lymphatic Systems can become lethargic due to backlogged cellular metabolic waste. And that same congestion often blocks vital nutrients from reaching tissues and cells. Fatigue, puffiness, achiness, stiffness, tenderness, sinus issues, lack of vitality, poor complexion and acne, struggles with infection : all are possible indicators that the Lymphatic System is struggling to function.

After receiving MLD, clients report alleviation of pain, decreased puffiness, improved complexion, increased range of motion, improved drainage, and increased general wellbeing.

Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage:

The Lymphatic System is the clearing house for our tissues and cells, therefore, it has the potential to support the entire body! MLD can be used short term (one treatment or a series of three to prepare for an event), mid-term (to facilitate healing after surgery), or long-term (as part of a wellness routine or to manage chronic health concerns, like the loss of a lymph node or issues from a deviated septum.)

Notably, Manual Lymphatic Drainage can support the following:

  • Fluid Retention
  • Edema (resulting from sprains/muscle injury/sports injuries)
  • Lymphedema
  • Lipedema
  • Acne
  • Lyme Disease
  • Recovery from surgery (with MD clearance)
  • Reintegration before/after traveling
  • Arthritis
  • Sinusitis
  • Fatigue
  • Cellulite
  • Aches and pains
  • Headaches
  • Tension and Stress
  • Digestive problems

Your session needs to wait if you have experienced any of the following and have NOT been released for treatment by your physician:

  • Cellulitis
  • Radiation dermatitis
  • Venous thrombosis
  • Directly over cancerous tissue
  • Blood clots
  • Fever
  • Heart disease
  • Infection
  • Kidney failure
  • Stroke

***Please consult with your primary care provider if you have experienced any of the above.***

Preparing for your session:

MLD aids in the detoxification of your entire body, so it’s important to give the process a head start! Please:

  • reduce or completely avoid alcohol and cigarettes 12-hours before and after your appointment
  • abstain from caffeine 4-hours before your appointment
  • prioritize healthy food and lots of water or herbal tea for 24-hours after your appointment

If you are receiving MLD for your body (not just sinus/facial) it’s ideal for the practitioner to have direct contact with your skin for best results. However, many clients prefer to keep on their underwear because certain vital structures of the Lymphatic System are high up on the inner thigh near the groin. You are invited to wear underwear, boxers, or pajama shorts – just please be sure they aren’t too snug since a tight fit will inhibit the flow of your Lymphatic System.

Here are a few links with more information on Manual Lymphatic Drainage from:

 * the Cleveland Clinic * Health.com * WebMD *

Learn about your Lymphatic System & its vital role for your health in this handy video!