I have gained so much wisdom from others while working with people over the years, thank you for allowing me the honor of joining you on your health journey. Enjoy my tidbits to share...
One of my favorite clients shared with me the other day how she was struggling to make changes, claiming that for the last 70 years she has always done things this way or that... claiming that it would be different if she were 30 again but changing things now isn't worth it. I pondered on this and recognize that we all have a bit of a defeatist mentality sometimes. Wondering if these small changes that we are making today are worth the effort. And then I am reminded that every day we choose. We choose to drop money into our savings or spend it, we choose our health decisions the same way. We drop health drops into our future account just as we add savings into our investments. The bigger the health decisions the deeper the investment.
Now of course, if you are 65 and just now starting to save for retirement your account will be smaller than if you had started saving in your 20's but if you are diligent it will grow just the same.
You are never too old to start investing in your health. Drink that extra glass of water, go for that walk you've been putting off, take your vitamins and prioritize relationships and sleep, it all feeds into that "Health Bucket"