Road-trips tips & tricks

Road-trip tips and tricks:

I absolutely LOVE summer and all it has to offer! If you're like me you've been taking advantage of the beautiful weather and time off to explore new places and visit loved ones. 

This past month I have spent more time in the car on long trips and wanted to share my survival tips for your road trips. I recently recognized that my seated car posture is leading me to new aches and pains I haven't recognized before. Eating habits may change as you travel and reck havoc on your digestion and sleep could easily be affected by your travels. Here are some of my tips & tricks to love your travels more...

  • Remember your posture: just as ergonomics matter at your work desk your seated posture is key to a comfortable body. I recognized that having my back pack at my feet for our 10 hour drive left my legs in an awkward angle for way too long and my hips were left screaming. Clearing space at the foot well, making sure your head rests aren't too far forward and having lumbar support can go a long way in ensuring your comfort.
  • Take advantage of the potty and gas breaks, get out stretch your legs, run around the car or do a couple of jumping jacks to get the blood circulating. Just as you need breaks from work desk throughout the day breaking every 2 hours for your own health is important.
  • Stretch: Hamstrings and Hip flexors are shortened as you are seated, take a few moments to spread the legs, bend at the waist and stretch those hammies, give them some love. To stretch your hip flexors drop into a runners lunge and lift the torso, opening up the front of your hips to counter the seated position. These will help both your hips and low back to find some relief.  
  • Skip the fast food!!! If you can help it, pack some sammies and fresh fruit or veggies for your road trip munchies. Fast food has little nutritional value and will leave you feeling bloated and sleepy for your long drive. I made a conscious decision to give up fast food about 10 years ago and road trips are the hardest to keep this health goal. What I recognized is planning and good choices at the gas stations are key. String Cheese, Nuts, Bananas and beef jerky are my go to for curbing those fast food fixes. 
  • Water: I know caffeine is a favorite for staying awake on the highway but recognize that a well hydrated body naturally has more energy. If you do choose to caffeinate seek out sugar free options as sugar may create more of an energy crash when it wears off. My favorite is an unsweetened tea or My favorite electrolytes. 
  • Put down your phone: grab out an old-school map and follow along, bring back the car games from your childhood and help your kids create memories rather than simply numbing the brain until you get there. Remember its about the journey, not the destination 
  • Cherish these moments, whether you are traveling with your kids, spouse or friends these simple little times are the ones that build memories, Enjoy every moment and LOVE today!

Want my travel survival pack? Check out my must haves for travel

  • On Guard everything! This is a powerful blend to help keep your immune system strong and avoid toxins that strip all the good while killing the bad. Wipes are a must for plane travel or traveling with the littles, Hand sanitizer spray or gel for that quick "wash" without water. Throat drops are key for catching that quick tickle in the throat. And the prep before travel, On Guard+ softgels are a super power punch for the immune system, I always take one a day a week before I leave to ensure my travel isn't affected by illness.
  • Ginger Drops: I keep these in my glove box for that sour stomach or need for something sweet, just a hint of sweet and the power of ginger to sooth a stomach
  • Digest Zen roller: roll this over your abdomen & wrists and inhale the aroma to calm a stomach that's been on the road too long
  • Terrazyme: This is key to helping breakdown that food you are not used to, The digestive enzymes are so great to combat the fast food or summer BBQ 
  • Serenity: Use the power of tart cherries to create your own melatonin, lavender flowers and valerian root to sleep soundly even in a strange bed. Take 1-2 caps 20 mins before bed and rub the stick on your wrist to enhance your sleep
  • Deep Blue Stick: Great for sore muscles, new bruises and inflammation
  • Breathe Stick and Triease: Combat the pollen in the air with our Triease capsules and breathe stick for an all natural way to overcome the irritants that hinder your enjoyment of the great outdoors
  • Sunscreen & after sun spray: Protect your sun naturally and safely with a mineral based sunscreen, reef safe and blends into the skin well this is hands-down my favorite sunscreen on the market. Follow up a day in the sun with our after sun spray, this cooling mist is a great way to nourish the skin and soothe sunburn or simply give your skin a much needed thank you for carrying you all day.

Keep any or all of these fabulous products at my gifted discount just for you!